What we stand for

A Fairer Fareham
Work for a better balance between services and council tax, protecting essential services.
Seek to change the council structure to allow full and open discussion and disperse power, enabling citizens to take part more easily in decision making.
Ensure Community Action Team meeting promote more meaningful, genuine discussion with residents.
Support the foundation of Local Area (Parish) Councils across the Borough.
We will continue to ensure consultations are properly worded and scrutinised.
A Safer Fareham
Campaign for tax-payers money to be spent locally, with more Police officers on the ground, replacing distant Police Commissioners.
Promote the use of a ‘Police Forum’ to talk directly with residents across the Borough on local issues.
Support schemes such as ‘Neighbourhood Watch’ and ‘Local Speed Watch’
A Cleaner Fareham
Remove tip charges for bulky waste for domestic households, making it free of charge to domestic users and available 7 days a week, in our efforts to prevent fly – tipping.
Promote regular public panels, advising the council on how to make the town greener and more plastic free.
Ensure our Marine and Coastal environment is protected and embraced in any local plans.
Continue to support campaigns to remove litter from our streets and green spaces.
A Caring Fareham
Work collaboratively with Hampshire County Council and other agencies to ensure better integration of health and social care.
Demand adequate funding for mental health and substance misuse services. We need increased funding for the Child and Mental Health Campaign.
Lobby for increased funding for children with Special Needs.
We believe that children’s centres should be reinstated.
We will seek to provide regular Youth facilities which should be genuinely inclusive and in each and every part of the borough
Fight for a bus service to the Community Hospital and neighbourhod centres.
Press for better, safe cycling and pedestrian routes.
A well-planned Fareham
Work with developers and neighbouring councils to address the shortage of affordable homes and social rented properties.
Look favourably on well-designed developments, which are energy efficient and in keeping with the surrounding areas.
Seek reasons why planning consents have not all resulted in building starting. Campaign for a one year start up time limit for new developments.
Seek consultation and innovative ideas for revitalising and refurbishing the town centre and the local shopping areas across the borough.
Protect and enhance our green spaces, reduce pollution, promote recycling and provide a healthy environment for all our residents.
Homelessness should not be a problem in 21st Century Fareham. We must create more hostel space and support programmes to get homeless people back on their feet .
Our National Vision
"The Liberal Democrats exist to build and safeguard a fair, free and open society, in which we seek to balance the fundamental values of liberty, equality and community, and in which no-one shall be enslaved by poverty, ignorance or conformity."
Preamble to the Liberal Democrats' Constitution